Updates week ending 2021-05-15

Outstanding Historic Event Designation: The Establishment of the Newfoundland Ranger Force

Establishment of the Newfoundland Ranger Force received designation as an Outstanding Historic Event by the Provincial Historic Commemorations Program operated by The Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador. A virtual commemoration ceremony was held on May 12, 2021.

Doug Wells, of the Elliott Premises Management Committee, Harbour Breton, nominated the Ranger Force for recognition under the program. A commemorations research paper was prepared by Ellen Power.

Visit the Heritage NL website to view the commemoration pages.

Read moreOutstanding Historic Event Designation: The Establishment of the Newfoundland Ranger Force

Updates week ending 2021-04-24

Updates Week Ending 2021-04-10

Several items added to the Library related to the categories below. Visit those pages for a list of items.

Added a Rules and Regulations handbook that was used in the administration of the Ranger Force. This document is from Memorial University’s excellent Digital Archives Initiative.

This handbook was issued to Ranger John Lafosse.

Updates Week Ending 2021-03-27

Library Items

Updates Week Ending 2021-03-20

Library Items
